Monday, June 15, 2009

Competency 2: Related blogs

Home schooling is the form of nontraditional education which I will focus on during this posting. Through, I was able to find a large amount of blogs focused on this particular subject; very few, however, focused on the use of public libraries. I was able to find a blog run by a home schooling family. This blog shares a multitude of information such as projects, articles, and other great websites. This particular blog has several postings which are focused on the use of the public library. One posting, discuses being able to flip through old texts on the British Library webpage, while another focuses on her vision of improvements the public library could make. The following excerpt will show how the public library is a necessary component for nontraditional student and there families.

Excerpt is chosen from the Spotty Banana Electric Home School Portal: Public Libraries and Education webpage located here:

As homeschoolers, we rely, no depend, on the public library system for all sorts of learning materials. Sometimes we wish books and video collections were more up-to-date, that there were more or even any cozy ‘reading’ chairs, and that they were open late on Friday and Saturday night. I have a wish list of things I would like my public library to be, but I am not sharing that today. I am sure that many other homeschool parents (and even public school parents) have wish lists as well. This weekend, I witnessed something that convinced me that public libraries had better start asking homeschool and engaged public school parents and children what they would like to see in a public library, because the public libraries’ role is being hijacked!

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